Copenhagen Jazz Festival 2018

Some new co-operations to be aware of:
July 13th - Just finished writing music for a 9-piece-band feat. Poland's outstanding ATOM STRING QUARTET! Make sure to go and hear the premiere of this new amazing project at Skt. Augustinus Church!

July 15th - Brand new band with musicians from Norway, Sweden & Iceland! All of them known for their unique voice, will be playing my music at Christiania Jazz Club, late evening 11 p.m. on the last day of the festival!

Plus - my trio with new music at JazzCup, Agergaard/Tuznik/Ginman/Blachman at the great Bellevue Theatre. And a duet with Thomas Agergaard at Skt. Augustinus Church! Hope to see you there!

fot.Malwa Grabowska-Hipermania, post. Olga Loy-2Y Studio

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